
Call Us Now For Services in Naples and North Naples!

Estate Homes, Single Family  Homes, Villa/Coach Homes, Condominiums, Vacant Buildings

Vacant or Seasonal property worries? B & L HOMEWATCH watches it, reports on it, so you can relax!

About Accreditation

Accredited members of the NHWA must pass a strict vetting process for consumer complaints or issues. They must carry the proper insurance (which is always available for review). They must agree to uphold the highest ethics in the Home Watch industry.  Accredited members of the National Home Watch Association will always look out for the best interests of the Homeowner.

Bonnie and Larry chose to apply for accreditation by the National Home Watch Association because they wanted to belong to an organization that had a great reputation and name recognition in the home watch industry. It also provided an opportunity to interact with other members about trends and issues nationally and locally. Larry took additional training , earned the designation of Certified Home Watch Professional, making him one of the elite Home Watch providers in the industry. As accredited members of the National Home Watch Association they belong to a large group of home watch professionals who work together to keep up to date on issues having to do with home watch practices and procedures. The owners of B&L Home watch need to follow strict rules and best practices of the National Home Watch Association, and the must apply for their accreditation each year to maintain it. They are also required to carry liability insurance and to be bonded. Non-accredited home watch businesses are not regulated in any way, nor or they required to carry insurance. We have seen some do 5-minute inspections which of course is not enough time to do a thorough inspection. We have picked up clients because they were not sure their home watch had been showing up on a regular basis, or they came back to find issues that proved they had not had a home watch visit in a long time.

Benefits of Hiring an Accredited Home Watch Service

Reprinted with the permission of the National Home Watch Association.

  1. An Accredited Home Watch service’s regular visits to your property may prevent or lesson property damage.
  2. An accredited Home Watch service will create a presence in your home which may deter squatters and other intruders.
  3. Accredited Home Watch inspectors will look for leaks, insect infestations, mold, and other potential issues.
  4. An Accredited Home Watch service will deliver consistent and accurate information to you during your absence.
  5. An Accredited Home Watch can make arrangement for work to be done in your absence, leaving you to do what you wish once you return.
  6. An accredited Home Watch service can act as your liaison between contractors, associations, Realtors and virtually anyone that you authorize them to.
  7. An Accredited Home Watch service will implement your storm plan.
  8. An Accredited Home Watch Service will answer alarm calls.
  9. Homes controlled by an HOA/POA have bylaws that dictate how their exterior and ground are to be maintained. An Accredited Home Watch service will make itself aware oof these rules and make sure that your home is kept within guidelines. They will address any problems with landscapers and lawn services.
  10. For condo owners, while an HOA/POA is responsible for common grounds and common areas, you are responsible for everything from the “studs in”. Problems in an upstairs unit can create major damage damage to the unit below. Common pipes in common walls are also notorious for causing problems to multiple units.  An Accredited Home Watch service can discover issues prior to your return.
  11. An  Accredited Home Watch service will give you peace of mind, knowing that your home is being looked after by professionals who have your best interests in mind. 


Mission Statement of the NHWA

It is the mission and goal of the National Home Watch Association to establish and maintain the highest set of standards and ethics for all Home Watch companies in the United States of America and Canada;

To establish and maintain trust and confidence between homeowners and Home Watch professionals;

To protect the public from uninsured, unbonded and unethical individuals who represent themselves as Home Watch professionals;

To promote public awareness of the Home Watch Industry;


To ensure that only companies who represent the highest levels of professionalism are accredited as members of the National Home Watch Association.